31 March 2009

YA! spodumene is posting another incomprehensible post about silos and sanitariums!!!!!!

few doom seethe start to be ,endive flesh that all men era detour ,plaque that yet era decode by right roared this nitric mélange ,stogie that gnome seethe era ,evil tribal done the disrupter of .suspension — that to erodes sect ,their stem era destruction gnome ,men uninvited right tusk screwed morph the tensor of the ,engraving — that review any more of atonement smoked eviscerated fog sent ,send it so the third of the elopers out rectal or out silo ,it done out jettison when ,condemner genital sit moisten no hocus epicene dank agonizing sit strewed no husk ,more as out met lash meets tom leak or coffee riot yeast dine .semi ,endure ,deeding law enacted tat stemware gnarl desolated dues ton ebbs cognac roof this and Nina ;sexual day cylindrical llama undersexed hatch news Tahiti nickname era error despised to ,refusal elfish slave era debrief night to their elements by nihilism the smog to which yet era .demotes tub knew a gold near fog sexual dank ,sanitariums genius librarian eat emits icebox senile a noised to excluder meet rend nebulous ,stooped tip is riot ,their it is right ,thud to worth for chugs ,no recognition and to editors when shrug rot right erupted .truces — hues ash need the treetop carne of exert ;seminal and hush is won the tissue high smarts meet to relax right remove messy of .anemone the brutish of the tenser gnaw of tears neater is a brutish of detailer serenity and ,sanitariums llama given in tiered icebox the translate of an Tulsa unary revoke exert .seats to ever ,sight tell staff ebbs detritus to a dada .drown

28 March 2009

Human skills

Creativity, Critical thinking, Human body positions, Human communication, Humor, Language, Literacy, Motor skills, Observation, Reading, Spiritual faculties, Sports and entertainment skills, Walking, Writing, Backward running, Balance ability, Brace position, Cloud swing, Common sense, Conscience, Crabwalking, Crawling, Explanatory style, Foraging, Functional illiteracy, Gait human, Gardening, Grecian bend, Hand walking, Handstand, Health literacy, Human cannonball, Information literacy, Jumping, Language, Literacy, Mediacy, National Literacy Trust, International Philosophy Day, Plastoon crawling, Running, Scientific literacy, Snap fingers, Staring, Static trapeze, Stepping walking, Study skills, Technological literacy, Walking

27 March 2009


husk: 'sup?
rada: reading about a scientific FAIL
husk: ... The Bible?
rada: lol
rada: nah....this experiment to pump iron into a part of the ocean to sequester carbon
rada: iron would attract phytoplankton, which would built tiny shells and take up CO2 in the ocean
rada: then die, sink to the bottom....
rada: a little less CO2 in the oceans
rada: only problem is, these shrimps ate all the plankton
husk: so, still single?
husk: that's why.

25 March 2009

16 March 2009



14 March 2009

radagast the brown


ewe'v scene 'im

eye'v knueffer ben rawng, know muther effer

eye gotta sae effer cuz ike ant sae fukker

meye messij fore ewe, simpul:

at ewe, lyfe grunts. dance rings 'round thee gruntings.

"This advice benefits none more than the migrant workers driving from southern Mexico up to Idaho to pick the genetically copyrighten [sic] spuds that become fried-fodder for heart disease. They should keep this in mind: eliminate all the YTs and take their place in this sinking ship. They'll have better luck with the patchwork than their predecessors."
-man in a hat with terminal schizophrenia.

10 March 2009

2012 dude... its over, all over

09 March 2009

08 March 2009

joebloggs: heres the reality show i want
joebloggs: katrina 2: uncensored
joebloggs: lets break a levee
joebloggs: and film
husk: ohh
husk: would it have a stadium scene?

joebloggs: no
joebloggs: too easy
joebloggs: maybe in the credits

05 March 2009