25 February 2010

The trail is warm.

I entered a dark smoke-filled room.

Felt like a scene from a movie minus the anchovies. Never cared for fish much. Dumb creature, they only remember 3 seconds.

Anyways, the moon was shining through the window piercing through the smoke like the holy ray of god purging... ...the unholy.

I could smell the faint scent of a woman. She had been here not too long ago.

I know it was her, she left her signature... ...the horrified face on her dead victim, laying on floor.

I ask myself why I even bother chasing her, I will probably end up dead.

Will it be all worth it?

Chase a bee and you might get stung...


rada said...

not if you have a wiffle ball bat, then those bees don't stand a chance.

Unknown said...

always wondered what a wiffle ball was but never took the time to look it up.