22 September 2009


DEPARTMENT STORE WINE | CRUX | Two Jehovah's witnesses (always two, psychological advantage) pointed out to me that GOD was responsible for cell phones. By that logic I argued that GOD was also responsible for rape. I was told there were holes in Darwin's theories; no more than a man walking on water. We went into the whole transfusion debate, they can never win that one. The purpose is to spread the GOOD NEWS: "you won't recruit me, I'll never give you any money -- I can do good deeds without the help of a dated book of The Invisible Man's astrology -- there are homeless people right there in the alley, go help them now, go give them food, they need help immediately, don't waste time going door to door if you really aren't looking for future financial donnors" ... "They have to find GOD" ... "NO, they have to find a SANDWICH, go help THEM -- is it because they don't have a door you can knock on? I can bring one to you right now if you really want to help". THEY HAVE NO MONEY, SEE? | Faith shouldn't cost you money baby | We could've talked about baseball too, I suppose. Door closes, back to the top. | I like those little chinese cat statues that wave for money, I can get behind that. ps. alcoholism, google push.

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