25 July 2009

Good morning, gringo


Spartak fell out of his chair when the creepy-crawlies starting banging through his door. They were coming from the demonic banana flower his brother had given him after he'd returned from the rainforest. The banana flower was a poisonous strain, and it was unknown to westerners as one of the primary causes for wiping out the Mayan civilization.

"Zappa once said that Dylan beat him to the punch with Subterranean Homesick Blues. A year after the release of "Bringing It All Back Home" the Mothers released "Freak Out!" which featured a similar song called Trouble Everyday. Who produced both of these albums?"

A moment later, Spartak rushed outside to embrace the possibility of catching some fleeting breeze. Much like the a Ozzy after a series of European summer festivals, Spartak had lost sensation in his nose. Micropollens had corrupted olfactory nerves and he could not smell the stink of the dead birds nearby. Beetles covered the carcasses and were delivering the remnants of foul flesh to their hidden dens. Bright spots appeared before Spartak, forcing him to abandon all sense of reason as he suffocated from the swealtering heat. Dandelion seeds were released to the air as Spartak meandered about the clear spot besides the toe path. The last thought that sprang to his mind was of bullet ants biting his ass as he lay in the jungle.

"Iggy Pop has introduced heroin to numerous rock musicians over the course of his career. One of his drug dealers went on to play guitar in the LA hardcore scene. What was the name of the band?"

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