10 April 2009

Dear ******* Customer

We've noticed that customers who have purchased or rated Triumph of the Will (Special Edition) have also purchased George Bush: A President's Story on DVD. For this reason, you might like to know that George Bush: A President's Story is now available. You can order yours for just $**.** by following the link ....

I hear his son's gonna get the electric chair if he's indicted, then found guilty of crimes against humanity. His last seat will be a rickety old chair found in the back of the janitor's closet in the basement of P.S. 17, a school (Woodworth elementary) who's named after the person who sold a patent for the incandescent light bulb to T. A. Edison. Yes, the electricity will be supplied by a bolt of lightning, just like in that movie involving a DELOREAN. The city will get more tax breaks for being "GREEN" and also achieve poetic justice for some three-thousand deceased.

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