20 June 2008


THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART ONE] Where twelve is three, what is nine? Why nine? Why not! There were so many choices and what made them peculiar (not only in appearance) is that they were all obvious. Each and every one of em'. The mere thought of any further debate on the subject prevents me from elaborating any further. I guess, back in the day, I would've been stuck in neutral faced with the opportunities ahead but lately it's no longer about the pick and choose and more about the chose sans pick. You'd do well, or not, to remember that. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART TWO] You waste time contemplating, which is the essence of having made the previous choice. You could move backwards but you'd look retarded. Enough of this shit. I was given several alternatives and I received double that amount once the choice was made. To dwell on it is to look retarded. Seriously, what a fucker... Burt Nein said "... as the ones before.." and that made me want to have intercourse with girls I wouldn't normally find attractive. Full quote from Burt Nein:"In front of you from the back of you, lies choices. Once the choice be made, you will have committed to a choice and by doing so you will have not not chosen. Whatever choices appear next will and must be chosen uncarefully as the ones before and by doing so you will have so chosen twice, differently or exactly as before -- when choices were upon you and you chose to not-choose and chose."THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART FOUR] Shocker! Spoiler: Neverending everbeginning redundant and multiplicity. Go forth! There were alluring calculations on the third attempt (and a remise en question in the second) but the premise of the exercise/challenge is to ignore instincts and deliberations, just go. End Spoiler. Could I object? Is it also counter-productive an observation? Would you? Why would you not not? 'Cause you can't. That's the point. Could be at the fifth, sixth or beyond and no one would be the wiser... because you're not supposed to stop and think.. but then, how would you know? Did he offer them up for free? Is there such a thing as free nowadays? Is this another rampant string of questions to which there are as many possible answers as there are choices? Fuck yes. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART FIVE] This part will focus on the act of in lieu of what took place. Went for one of em', only one now, no specifics, no instincts just spontaneous (riddled) not unlike witnessing two vehicles collide; ok they survived but will they fight? Look! He has a safety belt mark on his face! On the left, the guy wore a baseball cap from an expired team while on the right, the man wore a turban of a slightly blasphemous 80's neon tone. They're in the way. You're not supposed to ram you're vehicle into someone else's, the traffic then has to circle around the wreck in search of alternate lines. The driving witnesses would love to stay and watch but they have seldom enough time left to choose a new path and avoid further peril. I can't blame them! Unless they circle around the wreck at a slow pace while rolling down a window to "offer help" (hope they fight/who's bleeding?) fucking up the traffic behind them even more in the interim -- well yes, then I could blame them 'cause I could catch up to em' on foot but that would go against the principle. Boom! It happens. I know, I know... there's a second of intrigue. This one. It's done. That was then / this is now and the now has new decisions, sure the thought of it will linger but every step has a natural distraction, how much will you accumulate before it gets too heavy? Are there breaks in the path? Why not make your own... why not wait 'til your cute bi-curious female friends start an adventure in discovery at the same time you realize you have enough liquor left to fuel their quest? THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART SIX] PUNCHED IN THE FACE. Someone stole your diaphragm. A halt : one small waiting room with the theme from Growing Pains playing on a loop though others claim it is the theme from Family Ties. Whatever, really -- one had Boner and the other had Micheal Gross -- we needn't debate this any further (see: others). We were given a chance to name the waiting room as we went in; we agreed on "BLAND,THE" (yes, Burt Nein is among us). Complacent smirks all around. As a wee lad, the concept of life in prison is simplistic: frigthening due to the isolation -- life behind bars and the loss of certain personal liberties (where the toilet doors be at??). However, you realize there's an added twist to it as you get older, if only to scare you at a now-adult level; you know what I'm talkin' about... ain't no prisoners a-dancin' to the jail house rock no more (as far as I know). For the record, I still believe Bert & Ernie were nothing more than close roomates. Such hostility. Simon 1 - Thierry 0. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART SEVEN] The secret allurement of a hot girl savoring a Mr.Freeze® : a refreshing head-tilt / eyes-shut / mouth-full of an "mmm". No more distractions, at least not for the next few minutes. When asked, Ty added: "wind that blows in many ways" in response to passing a door (early 90s quote from a faux-poet and his homosexual furniture). Every stop is getting livelier, carefully orchestrated to lose counts and ignore paths. Touché, cold girl with frozen fudge stick. Toujours prendre la gauche... à moins de vouloir trahir mes instincts via la droite mais rarement sinon jamais le centre. Why? 'Cause it's right there, the easy way out is also the hard way in. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART EIGHT] OUTDOORS | Lesser men and women with lesser clothes (and vice versa). An immigrant-less plain of gray grass and all that could've been but fortunately isn't. Compared to modern teens, we had virtually no graphitti skills, though the messages remain the same: "my turf". One might wonder if they also pee from the high above the slides as we did back in the day... it begs a certain question: have we ever sled in the previous generation's drunken pee deposits (or worse)? All I recall is that they showed up holding sharp katana blades ready to bust up the swings -- a rare sight for suburbia though nowadays the kids all have guns... with Bluetooth capabilities. You're walking in the opposite direction, friend. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART NINE] DREARY LOCAL WEATHER FORECASTS & OTHER SUCH THINGS ON THE ROAD AHEAD WHICH I WOULD BE INCLINED TO BELIEVE WERE IT NOT FOR YEARS AND YEARS OF COUNTLESS HALF-TRUTHS | You'll see, next up, it'll be the drastic cliffhanger-ish season finale, but for the moment it's nothing but a repeat performance of the usual minor intrigues (and other such things on the road ahead which I would be inclined to believe were it not for years and years of countless expired calendars). We're way past the self-inquiries here, the reflections and wonderings that are distractions between choices carefully planted to confuse and delay any potential progress therein. This is the eight choice / This is the ninth. One single pause for a successful two-in-one. Better late than never... How many safe strategies have you ever put aside for a single shot at the impossible? Five. THE DOOR THAT CAME [PART 10] CUSTODIAN SUPER TRUTH | THE DOOR THAT CAME / SEASON FINALE | What lies before us? Ten different sets of stairs leading in ten different directions. Different ups and downs. A first in the ever-tedious spontaneous pick series. In the late 90s, movie studios were confused by the Internet; there was no Internet-ergonomy. It can be seen on movie posters of that era (the http's, the index.html's). The researchers all agree; a valid point nobody could ever argue. Since that time, nostalgia has been linked to symptoms of various cramps (or a lack thereof). It was expected / Failure's just another token in the machine. To which state have you been elevated to now that you've learned the truth (B.Nein)? The flow may be eroding the riverbed. The erosion may in turn result in increased outflow, more than can be replenished by rain or snowmelt, according to a study by a group of Canadian coastal engineers and none will be the wiser. C.T.U or D / You elevate abandoning/accepting that there were no passages below. At at at at at at.


LiAlSi2O6 said...

mooo, repeats are so boring!

husk said...

summer = reruns ;)