13 April 2008

Rick Kringle

Hi fucks. The only thing I liked was the vagina bed idea. I get to sleep in the middle. no fair!! right? You guys can have the fringes and I also get the soft underbelly area, no fair again. screw you, I'm still the quiet guy of the court who's getting all the King's pussy on the sly. I will forewarn that i'm prone to bolting upright from a dead sleep and screaming at the mexican paint crews.

Looky here, if I wasn't balled and chained to a Hungarian I'd be out in the city, looking for things to destroy in the name of the old school.

Conclusion. I'm proud to be a not so productive member of this, the third greatest blog in history. I'll be in NYC in July for 5 days food, drink and feet. I have created several spray paint stencils that suggest Radagast's whereabouts. I will plaster these images all over the city, chumming for Tuna. If he shows, he gets nothing except blank stares from four skidders staying at a shitty hotel, deal with it.



husk said...

I'll be in LA in September

rada said...

where ever you may think i am, is correct. nowhere, anywhere, somewhere, over the rainbow-colored Ferrari, of the mind.

husk said...

ie: he'll be in gay bars