14 December 2007

Recognition of avoidance (Sean Gullette)

Believed to be inspired from a mental-breakdown. Found among a collection of "postcards."

I dream dreamed a doll doll falling from a tall clocktower. The doll had a thin string wrapped around its plastic waist. From a clocktower without a location, it falls onto tracks of a familiar location. Huge rats are feeding on the plastic that we’ve accumulated into the sewers. Artificial detritus accrued into balls for the domestication of rats. The problem with such a plan is that microbes will want to eventual decompose the plastic (1-8), with a little haphazard coaxing from the big brained primates. Yeah, the vinyl you have with yer Mammas and Pappas on it, it’ll be consumed. The rats are living with the pathogens, so it’s a bad idea for domestication.

The tracks I see are like an open sore in the infrastructure. It oozes gossip and prurience from the exhaust of primates. Meat-minds suffer idly as the rats eat the plastic on the tracks. The protean idea of recycling is true for the rats and microbes as it is for the chatter being exhumed by radio waves out of the open sore. It is a station. Thrice a woman yells out laughter in a hoarse, yet spastically female manner. I fear the sickness of our decade is starting to reach the fruition of incubation. Judging by the size of the rats, we will not last another five years. Get me away from here.

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