20 November 2007


joe bloggz: you know how i know you're gay?
husk: here goes
joe bloggz: You've read the book, seen the movie, and done the musical.
husk: isn't it kind of cool if i actually DID the musical?
husk: instead of just watching it?
joe bloggz: and you have suntan lotion at every concievable SPF level
husk: that is a complete lie
joe bloggz: your pets always have great names.
joe bloggz: is it not true
joe bloggz: face it.
joe bloggz: youre a homo.
husk: we're all a bit homo
joe bloggz: were not all hands down our niece and nephews favorite uncle, tho
joe bloggz: fag.
joe bloggz: brb, need coffee
husk: no prob

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