15 August 2007

Greasy media (Billy West)

FOUNDED ON NOTHING! (down with lectures, praise to anarchy!)
-a student call to arms, after receiving a C on a meaningless paper on the subject of "Psychology of Baseball."


Limbo, the common ground for street dwellers.

Patrons of the rabies-afflicted absinthe drinker, the gutter arts were the prime suspect of many a young man’s dementia.

Dreary afternoon, a cab pulls up and let’s off a junkie, the former CFO of the Surdna Foundation, betrayed on moral grounds by his former associates of SG CIB and Deutsche Bank. All names erased from the records of corporate member rosters. Queue the untold stories of a Central Park homeless man, high-class hobo reality TV.

Dead seagulls on the avenue, slight grimace from the patron of a corner café, dealt a blow to one’s apathetic American dome. The dome, in many psychologists’ professional opinions stems from latent after-effects of a country administered with “Cold War Psychosis.”

1 comment:

husk said...

gimme a summary of the interview with john service