08 August 2007

thE DOOR that came [part nine]

DREARY LOCAL WEATHER FORECASTS & OTHER SUCH THINGS ON THE ROAD AHEAD WHICH I WOULD BE INCLINED TO BELIEVE WERE IT NOT FOR YEARS AND YEARS OF COUNTLESS HALF-TRUTHS | You'll see, next up, it'll be the drastic cliffhanger-ish season finale, but for the moment it's nothing but a repeat performance of the usual minor intrigues (and other such things on the road ahead which I would be inclined to believe were it not for years and years of countless expired calendars). We're way past the self-inquiries here, the reflections and wonderings that are distractions between choices carefully planted to confuse and delay any potential progress therein. This is the eight choice / This is the ninth. One single pause for a successful two-in-one. Better late than never... How many safe strategies have you ever put aside for a single shot at the impossible? Five.

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