26 June 2007


The car alarm sounds off. No one responds anymore, the owner barely even cares; "it's a glitch 99% of the time". Thieves work around em'. It is the obsolete siren of nuisance. You annoying loop.

"It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la"

REALLY?? It's just a crush? No big deal? Then how come you wrote a SONG about it, bitch?? And what the fuck is up with that "Sha-la-la-la" shit?? You think that's some kind of "in your face" rebuttal? Damn, if I were the guy you had a crush on, I'd sure as hell be glad that it was "just a crush" so that I could be rid of you as soon as possible. Oh shit, here comes that "Sha-la-la-la" moron again... run before she writes another song about... not carring wether we notice or not!

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