22 June 2007

Lead-side bedside tryst (scoffing)

The great ideas behind some marketing, now you have audiobooks being advertised for your iPod. (Like no one could think of that before.) The death of the books. Just as Egon said in Ghostbusters, “Print is dead” and he said that in 1984! I think it is merely dormant. It will return and become the sole means of impertinent straws on the camel’s back. Papyr was Lem’s mortal coil, the disappearance of it brought the populations of earth to a standstill. It took one person to almost figure out the futility of defeating the system within, yet his insanity caught up with him.

The marketing business is evil. (Yes, have you heard the hicks say it?) They can kill your lifestyle and make you wish your privileges were forced upon you in a salad bowl, smothered with cheap graphics and glossy paper. (oh, I guess print isn’t dead….they need paper a bit longer)

1 comment:

husk said...

did Egon really say that? fuck Egon man, fuck him as much as one can be fucked and more.