07 June 2007

the door that came [part four]

Shocker! Spoiler: Neverending everbeginning redundant and multiplicity. Go forth! There were alluring calculations on the third attempt (and a remise en question in the second) but the premise of the exercise/challenge is to ignore instincts and deliberations, just go. End Spoiler. Could I object? Is it also counter-productive an observation? Would you? Why would you not not? 'Cause you can't. That's the point. Could be at the fifth, sixth or beyond and no one would be the wiser... because you're not supposed to stop and think.. but then, how would you know? Did he offer them up for free? Is there such a thing as free nowadays? Is this another rampant string of questions to which there are as many possible answers as there are choices? Fuck yes.


Unknown said...

you should of put that spoiler warning in bigger, you just ruined it all for me.

husk said...

Now you know.